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- Benzac 5 sirve


Media Station X is a cross-platform web application for creating customized media pages consisting of videos, audios, images, texts, and links. Media Station X is designed to run on any TV device e. However, it can also run on mobile and desktop devices, because it supports various input controls e. The application itself does not contain any content and is a so-called White Label Application.

You can either create your own content or open existing and shared content from other people. The wiki pages contain all information about the various JSON structures with examples and screenshots as well as descriptions and source code examples of the different plugin possibilities. The demo page contains various JSON examples that you can load, edit, and test directly in your browser. See Demo ». The quick start guide shows how you can setup a local Media Station X server with example content.

See Quick Start Guide ». The showcases show turnkey services that you can use right away. They have been primarily developed to show examples of how Media Station X can be used. See Showcases ». Please see Platform Support for corresponding application stores. See Platform Support ». It has been primarily developed to show an example of how Media Station X lets you create nice and powerful TV UIs from existing media hosting platforms.

For this service, Media Station X 0. Enter the start parameter sc. Show Video Launch Demo. It uses the Google OAuth 2. It has been primarily developed to show an example of how Media Station X can be used with existing cloud storage services.

Enter the start parameter gd. It uses the Microsoft OAuth 2. Enter the start parameter od. Dropbox MSX is a service that provides access to your Dropbox files i.

It uses the Dropbox OAuth 2. Enter the start parameter db. It uses the directory listing function of the http-server package to browse and access files.

Enter the start parameter nb. It has been primarily developed to show an example of how Media Station X can be used to create a full-featured movie library. Enter the start parameter tmdb.

Enter the start parameter ttv. Lorem Picsum MSX is a service designed to inspire you to create media pages in different styles and for different purposes using the Media Station X application. Enter the start parameter lp. Launcher MSX is a service that helps you to manage various start parameters. Once the launcher has been set up, it is available via the settings Settings Welcome Pages.

The start parameters are stored on the launcher. Initially, the MSX Showcases shown on this page are added. Enter the start parameter msx. This is a quick start guide to setup a local Media Station X server with example content by using Node. Alternatively, if you have Media Station X 0. This showcase is based on the same technology, but simplifies and speeds up the setup process.

A web analysis service Webalizer is running on the msx. Besides this, no further data is collected or transmitted to a server. The JSON files you are using are completely under your control and are not transmitted to a server.

The Media Station X application itself only interacts with your configured server. The application uses some example content from the msx. All these content are marked with the tag "WEB". This license and disclaimer statement constitutes a legal agreement "License Agreement" between you either as an individual or a single entity and Benjamin Zachey the "Author" , for this software product "Media Station X" , including any software, media, and accompanying on-line or printed documentation.

If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this agreement, you must promptly cease all use of Media Station X and remove all installed versions of it. My name is Benjamin Zachey and I have been developing web applications for TV and embedded devices for over 10 years.

I have constantly followed and applied the media development and have implemented many prototypes in various projects and teams. Media Station X was started in as side project to my regular activities. Now it has become a powerful application with many features and use cases.

I hope you enjoy using it and I would be very happy to receive feedback and suggestions for improvement. The TVX Framework is a composition of tools and services to build high-performance and high-compatible TV and mobile-usable applications. It has been tested on all major TV platforms with excellent stability and compatibility. It is planned to make this framework available to developers so that they can create their own TV applications with it.

Toggle navigation Media Station X. Welcome to Media Station X Media Station X is a cross-platform web application for creating customized media pages consisting of videos, audios, images, texts, and links.

You can use it for free and without any registration! Initializing data Create your own Wiki The wiki pages contain all information about the various JSON structures with examples and screenshots as well as descriptions and source code examples of the different plugin possibilities. See Wiki ». Demo The demo page contains various JSON examples that you can load, edit, and test directly in your browser. For more information about the Google OAuth 2.

For more information about the Microsoft OAuth 2. For more information about the Dropbox OAuth 2. For more information about Node. For more information about the data privacy, please see the Data Privacy section on this page. All Windows All Vewd Specification 4.

Philips, Sharp, etc. All - Foxxum App Store - 0. Hisense, etc. Demo Introduction. This demo page contains various JSON examples that you can load, edit, and test directly in your browser.

Existing Start Parameter. An existing start parameter was found that was not created with this demo page. Name: Version: Parameter: If you press Launch , this start parameter will be replaced. Invalid JSON. Please check your code and press Launch again. Quick Start Guide Introduction. Download and install Node. Create the folder http-server on your local machine e.

Create the subfolder msx in this folder e. Create the following start. Note: Since version 0. If you use an older version of Media Station X, you will need to do this manually. Since version 0. Create the following menu.

Open a command-line interface e. Windows PowerShell. Navigate to the folder http-server e. Enter http-server --cors to start the server.

Note the displayed IP address and port e. Install and launch the Media Station X application. Navigate to Settings Start Parameter Setup.


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